Garlic: What’s so good about it?

Garlic: What’s so good about it?

posted in: Health News | 3

Most of us love garlic.  It adds some real zing to our cooking. Even those who supervised the building of the Egyptian pyramids knew enough about garlic to provide it to their workers to help stamina, endurance and recovery from illness.

We know much more about garlic today, and the most exciting health news centres round the ageing process of garlic.

Aged garlic extract is a highly bioavailable supplement produced by prolonged extraction and ageing of organic fresh garlic at room temperature.  The garlic is sliced, stored in an aqueous, ethanol solution in stainless steel tanks.  It is naturally aged without heating for up to 20 months.

The process of ageing, without heating, converts the harsh and unstable sulphur compounds into mild stable substances.  The naturally-occurring sulphur compounds in garlic can cause indigestion and pungent smell that lingers on the breath and skin.  The conversion process only eliminates this odour-causing component.  The result is a truly odourless garlic that contains safe, bioavailable and beneficial compounds.

There has to be a better way of reducing the risks of cardiovascular disease, and its quality-of-life ramifications, here in Australia.

As we are living longer, the so-called “diseases of civilization” like diabetes, obesity and metabolic syndrome are taking their toll.  Stress has been linked to inflammation, which in turn, causes a number of hormone-induced metabolic disturbances to increase blood pressure, alter carbohydrate metabolism and oxidize cholesterol.

Incredibly, research and clinical trials in many populations throughout the world shows that aged garlic extract can play a vital, and even life-saving role, in reducing cardiovascular risk.

At the recent International Garlic Symposium held in the US, aged garlic extract’s benefits were discussed.  These benefits  include:

  • reduced plaque formation in the coronary artery
  • improved micro circulation through improved endothelial function
  • balanced blood pressure, even in conjunction with prescribed medicines
  • elevated “good” or HDL levels
  • lowered total cholesterol
  • reduced platelet “stickiness”
  • improved immune function to reduce respiratory infections
  • increased overall stamina
  • improved recovery time from illness

That’s a rather impressive list!  If it’s so good, why don’t we know more about it?

Health issues like these are usually within the domain of the medical doctor.  Cardiologists, clinicians and researchers who presented at the International Symposium have the results backed up by evidence.  Many of those medical specialists are using aged garlic extract in their hospital environments.  Unfortunately, this kind of good news is not widely disseminated as it does not fall within profitable marketing in the medical field, which dominate most media outlets.

So, it is up to us to minimise our exposure to drugs commonly used to treat these diseases of civilization, and their associated adverse effects.

Ask questions, seek sensible answers, and take some health responsibilities for your own quality of life.

To know more on the use of aged garlic extract, based on the most recent research, email

3 Responses

  1. Liz
    | Reply

    I have found that a family member would always get a blood nose after having garlic. Why is this so?

  2. Bob Davison
    | Reply

    Hi Gerald,
    I am a 54 year old male, I am currently taking nature b & red krill oil daily. (no medications otherwise) I am looking at adding aged garlic. How much would you recommend daily & do you believe any brand is better than others due to any reason such as processing?

    Also I heard a promo on 2ue about a product soon to be available, possibly off the shelf thats better than viagra, but missed the story. Curious to know what it is so I can research it.

    My Mother in law also requests what the best way to deal with crepey skin on her hands.
    Thank you for your amazing service to all.

  3. Bel Port
    | Reply

    Hi Gerald

    I have fructose and lactose malabsorption and am on a FODMAP diet. Garlic and onion are a definite ‘No No’ for me as I feel quite ill with nausea, stomach distension and have difficulty in sleeping. Apparently it is the ingesting of onion or garlic that causes the problem. I also have a heart valve stenosis for which I am on a beta blocker as well as a blood thinner.

    Any suggestions firstly to heal from my above two malabsorption issues and secondly, would aged garlic to ok to consume in my situation.

    Thank you for your assistance in advance.

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