The House of Wellness (HoW)

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The House of Wellness delivers Wellness information in a fun format through weekly radio sessions and weekly television.

Radio is hosted by Ed Phillips, Sally Obermeder and me, and goes to air live every Sunday at 9am AEST and live into all states. That’s on the Macquarie Network on 3AW Melbourne, 2GB Sydney, 4BC Brisbane, 5aa Adelaide and 6PR Perth.

Television appears on 7TWO each Sunday at 10 am AEST and in each state. The show is repeated on 7TWO at noon on Friday, on Channel 7 at noon on Saturday and at 5am on 7TWO on Sunday.

An array of interesting guests, relevant health topics and lots of Q&A helps us keep on the Wellness side of the fence and away from the illness side.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll post my segments on the website for quick reference.

Keep well and happy viewing!

2 Responses

  1. Judy Laughlin
    | Reply

    Good morning Gerald, I suffer from bursitis in right hip and bone on bone in facet joint right side of back. I am taking krill oil and Bioglan Curcumin, I heard u on 3AW this morning but missed what component you mentioned to have in it. I think it was Benasorbin. Pain is unbearable, stops me from walking, gardening and bowling. I would appreciate any suggestions.
    Thank you for your programs and help you give all.
    Judy Laughlin

  2. steve
    | Reply

    hi, have been following you for years & now on the house of wellness
    suffer from acute osteo arthritis in all joints
    many surgeries last 8 years , shoulder replacement , hip replacement, fingers thumb joint replacements
    mostly manage with hydro therapy specialised gym exercises
    my concern last 2 years on daily celebrex , nexium , panadol osteo
    high doses of tumeric circumin don’t work in my case
    but now looking for a natural substitute for nexium [ take probiotic & kefir ] …just to combat the gut issues of taking anti inflammitories daily ??

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