The Natural Ways to Deal with Osteoarthritis and Joint Pain

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I was consulted for this article on osteoarthritis. Only through constant communication between patients, healthcare providers and the pharmaceutical companies would we be able to come up with better, improved solutions.

Reprinted with permission. To see the original article, click here (


The Natural Ways to Deal with Osteoarthritis and Joint Pain



Osteoarthritis can rob us of some of life’s greatest joys. It can stop us being active. It can stop us being comfortable. Worst of all, it can hold us back from truly being ourselves.

Osteoarthritis can’t be reversed, but there are a number of things we can do to better manage the symptoms. Of course, this can be challenging, especially when chronic joint pain makes even basic mobility and motivation a challenge.

Easing this pain is a vital first step in returning to the life you want.

We spoke with Gerald Quigley, a Community Pharmacist and Accredited Herbalist, about the best ways to accomplish this.

“There are many frustrated Australians who feel that their healthcare professional doesn’t appreciate the impact osteoarthritis has on their life,” says Mr Quigley.

“The consumer is constantly saying ‘I’m unable to play cricket with my grandkids like I used to because of joint pain. And I have limited options, particularly if I have other issues like blood pressure or diabetes.”

How can I manage the pain?

Mr Quigley says there isn’t a single one-size-fits-all solution, but rather a holistic set of lifestyle changes: some to manage the pain on a day-to-day basis, others to slow the damage in the long run.

“That’s life. If you have high blood pressure and you’re overweight, logically a blood pressure pill is going to work so much better if you can reduce that 10-15 kilos.

“The system says: ‘take a pill, it will be okay’.

“You don’t take a pill for the sake of taking a pill. You take a pill for the expectation that it will deliver what it says it will deliver.”

On this front, Mr Quigley suggests a more natural approach.

Nagestic Osteo is a natural anti-inflammatory pain treatment created with just one goal: to help those with osteoarthritis live a happier, healthier life with temporary pain relief.

It has no known interactions, can be taken every day, and is readily available without a prescription. Harnessing an active ingredient drawn from turmeric, it can naturally reduce joint stiffness, swelling and inflammation.

As a natural option, it is suitable long-term use – making it ideal for those who wish to ease the pain without risking the long-term side effects of traditional prescribed treatments.

“Up until recently, the go-to range was high-dose paracetamol,” says Mr Quigley. “But recent research now clearly says that to relieve osteoarthritis, paracetamol is not considered first-line treatment.”

“With Nagestic Osteo, we are seeking to reduce pain, reduce discomfort, to allow better mobility, and to help us recover some quality of life to allow us to do what we’re used to doing.”

What steps will I need to take in the long term?

Finding the right medication for you is not the whole solution, but simply one key step in a much larger journey. With the pain relieved, you may find yourself in a better position to address other lifestyle factors that can slow down the osteoarthritis.


Mr Quigley says some there are three major factors to consider:

“Firstly, omega-3 fatty acids – that’s the stuff that’s in oily fish, tuna, salmon, sardines, anchovies. Australians eat very little of that fish on average.

“We’re all a bit lazy as far as fish is concerned, and it’s easier not to think about it. But most people only start to think about it when it’s too late.”

“The second factor is a diet rich in fruits and vegetables – particularly vegetables. A government survey last year clearly showed that 95% of Australians do not meet the portions required of them every day

“It’s also important to do regular comfortable exercise – it doesn’t have to be strenuous exercise – and preferably with others, because then it becomes enjoyable comfortable exercise. Simply walking or gardening will help.
“These three things are the basis of reducing inflammation, therefore reducing the impact of pain.”

But to reach this long-term goal, some immediate pain relief can make a world of difference, because it will allow you to become more active, which will help alleviate the symptoms.

“Nagestic Osteo is available without having to even consult a pharmacist. You can self-select it, and the benefits continue to be showing,” says Mr Quigley.

“You can elect to be well, you can elect to embrace wellness and a better life by doing something about the illness you have. Don’t whinge about it. Make the choice.”

“If you’re not sure, give it a try. You’ve got nothing to lose except your pain.”


5 Responses

  1. sabrina imran
    | Reply

    Hi Gerald

    How much tumeric/ curcumin needs to be taken daily to get the desired results. As every brand has presented curcumin in either a different form, diff. bioavailibility, diff. absorption rates, hence it makes it difficult to choose a particular brand with optimal results. Which brand in your opinion is the better one?

  2. pat griffin
    | Reply

    Hi you were talking about a product for arthritis i thought you said kirkman tablets can you please tell me if this is correct

  3. Tommy
    | Reply

    Gerald could you please tell me the name and product that I can purchase to help me to protect from
    arthritis and inflammation I am 62 male who has had a stent and hip replacement thankyou regards Tommy

  4. peter hester
    | Reply

    Gerald is it reasonable to assume your suggestion to treat Osteoarthritis may also be of some assistance in treating Ross River Virus as some of the symptoms/effects are similar.

  5. K.Dunen
    | Reply

    Dear Gerald i listen to your show on 3A.W. you r a very helpful man .I suffer with Osteo,but do what i can to relieve the pain & have just read what u have to say about helpful remedies–however my 37yr.old Son has a complaint with his back called Shermans* disease–don*t know what is the cause of that as he has never discussed what his Dr.has told him & is very negative abt anything i suggest.He said he also has Rhumatoid Arthritis ( probably spelt it wrong )—can u please advise what i could purchase to help with this complaint of his?
    Anything to stop hi from whinging to me about it constantly.
    He is on disability pension partly for this reason,he does Maintenance work 4 elderly ppl.lawns,some building,pruning as u can appreciate he suffers pain after a busy day.
    Thanku so much if u can help with this situation–sorry to go on for soo long.Kaye Dunen–Bacchus Marsh Vic.

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